File Reviews

We provide tailored ongoing monitoring of your files for suitability and competence, with a focus on the collation of “know your customer” (KYC) information.

Quality support and assurance

We will work closely with you to provide an assessment of your client files, against the regulator’s principles and requirements, and any specific requirements you have.

Choose us and work with a team that has the experience to know what the FCA requires and how to keep them happy. Instead of tick-box compliance, you’ll benefit from comprehensive, tailored support.

  • A dedicated compliance monitoring officer assigned to your firm with experience and expertise that you can evidence and trust.
  • We provide a fully outsourced model or a set number of file review days that you choose.
  • We believe in the importance of knowing your business, so at outset we will take the time to fully understand your advice model.
  • We grade files on our Compliance Platform scoring scale but we can adopt alternative descriptions for file grading to match your own approach.
  • We undertake a comprehensive file assessment for completeness and chronological accuracy with a strong emphasis on KYC and advice suitability.
  • We issue a written report which will highlight good practice and, where appropriate, areas requiring improvement and/or training.
  • We discuss the findings with you and if required can assist you in the areas requiring improvement and provide solutions appropriate to your business model.
  • Fully Consumer Duty compliant; we assess a fair price and value and review whether the communications issued are sufficient to support ‘consumer understanding’.

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Compliance Services

We provide practical and commercial regulatory advice to simplify your compliance efforts. Designed to protect your business, lighten the load and help you spot opportunities.

Bench Strength

Our expertise and experience is on hand to help you empower your business. We have a bench of consultants at your service to help you tackle your regulatory challenges.

RegTech Solutions

Because of our extensive client side experience our platform provides access to a range of tried and tested regulatory technology solutions that will bring efficiencies to your business.

Partner Matching

We have an expert partner panel that we can seamlessly connect to your business. Because we understand your needs we can match you to the companies who are best sector.

Join the team and become one of our Bench Consultants
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